Coaching with Jillian

In today’s fast-moving world, where demands on our time and energy seem endless, finding balance has become essential. It’s about more than just keeping up; it’s about thriving and maintaining a sense of well-being amidst the hustle. Jillian is here to help with that. She offers a supportive hand to those looking to navigate life’s complexities with grace and creates a welcoming space for anyone feeling overwhelmed, curious about personal growth, or in search of change. With her solid background in health & wellness coaching, alongside specializations in managing chronic pain, nervous system regulation, yoga, and guiding psychedelic journeys, she brings a unique mix of expertise to the table. This blend of skills lets her meet the wide-ranging needs of her clients with strategies that truly resonate on a personal level. Her range of coaching services includes:

Microdose coaching - safely explore the potential of microdosing psychedelic mushrooms

Integration coaching - make sense of life-changing psychedelic experiences and create an action plan based on the insights gained

Wellness coaching - covers all the bases for staying healthy and grounded in today’s stressful modern world

Jillian’s approach is deeply personalized and holistic, blending her extensive knowledge with a sincere commitment to improving your well-being. This comprehensive method addresses the multifaceted aspects of an individual's life, incorporating a deep understanding of how interconnected our physical health, mental well-being, emotional resilience, and environmental factors truly are. Below are expanded benefits of her wellness coaching services, highlighting an integrative approach to health and wellness.

Mind and Body: An Integrative Approach to Wellness

Central to Jillian's philosophy is the belief that our well-being is deeply interconnected, bridging the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of our lives. She emphasizes that achieving true wellness goes beyond just treating symptoms; it involves nurturing the whole self in a balanced and integrated way, with a particular focus on regulating the nervous system as a foundation for health.

Nervous System Regulation
Jillian's approach to wellness is rooted in an understanding of how the body operates, particularly the nervous system's critical role in health and healing. By integrating her knowledge of mindfulness practices, stress reduction, and chronic pain management, she crafts strategies that not only enhance strength and resilience but also regulate the nervous system. This holistic method allows her clients to achieve a deeper level of physical comfort and safety, as a well-regulated nervous system supports the body's natural healing processes and overall function.

Emotional and Mental Wellness
In her guidance on emotional and mental wellness, Jillian creates a supportive environment for clients to explore their internal worlds. Recognizing the nervous system's influence on emotional states and thought patterns, her work focuses on techniques that calm and balance the nervous system. This foundation supports clients in navigating their emotions and thoughts with greater clarity and peace, facilitating healing and fostering personal growth. Her integration coaching and psychedelic guidance are instrumental in this process, offering transformative insights and a path to emotional intelligence.

Spiritual Wellness
Jillian also sees spiritual wellness as integral to holistic health, advocating for practices that both soothe the nervous system and enrich the spirit. Mindfulness, meditation, and responsible psychedelic exploration are key components of her approach, each serving to deepen the connection with oneself and the larger world. These practices not only provide spiritual fulfillment but also promote nervous system regulation, enhancing one's sense of purpose and belonging.

A Tailored Path for Every Individual

Jillian's services are meticulously tailored to meet the unique needs and goals of each individual. She begins her journey with clients by deeply listening to their stories, understanding their challenges, and identifying their aspirations. This empathetic foundation allows her to craft a personalized plan that aligns with their specific circumstances, preferences, and wellness objectives.

  • Microdose Coaching: For those interested in exploring the potential of psychedelics to enhance well-being, Jillian offers guided microdosing programs. These are carefully designed to support mental clarity, emotional equilibrium, and creativity, all while maintaining a grounding in safety and scientific research.

  • Integration Coaching: Jillian's integration coaching is a cornerstone for individuals who have undergone transformative experiences, whether through psychedelics or other profound life events. She assists clients in weaving the insights and growth from these experiences into the fabric of their daily lives, ensuring that their journey leads to lasting change.

  • Wellness Coaching: At its core, Jillian's wellness coaching is about crafting a life of balance, health, and fulfillment. She combines her expertise in stress management, chronic pain relief, and holistic health practices to guide clients towards a lifestyle that supports their overall well-being. From nutritional advice and physical exercises to stress-reduction techniques and mindfulness practices, every element of her wellness coaching is aimed at enhancing the quality of life.

Microdose Coaching

Jillian's microdose coaching emerges as a pioneering force in the realm of personal development and wellness, bridging the gap between the latest research in science and timeless holistic practices. By facilitating a carefully calibrated program of microdosing, she opens up a world where enhanced mental clarity, emotional stability, and heightened creativity become accessible to those seeking to enrich their lives. This unique coaching service stands as a testament to her commitment to holistic health, blending the ancient wisdom of plant medicine with the precision of modern research to foster profound personal growth.

Unleashing Creativity and Enhancing Problem-Solving
Creativity is not just an asset for artists but a crucial skill for everyone. Jillian's microdose coaching program is designed to catalyze this innate creativity, unlocking a door to innovation that can transform how we approach both personal and professional challenges. Through the subtle yet powerful effects of microdosing, individuals find themselves able to transcend traditional thought patterns, discovering novel solutions and perspectives. This enhanced problem-solving capability makes navigating the complexities of life not only easier but more rewarding.

Elevating Mood and Fostering Emotional Stability
One of the most immediate benefits of Jillian's microdose coaching is its impact on mood and emotional well-being. Participants often report a noticeable uplift in their general outlook, a decrease in feelings of depression or anxiety, and a more balanced emotional state. This shift is crucial for those grappling with the stresses of modern life, providing a steadier emotional platform from which to face the world. Jillian's expert guidance ensures that these improvements are achieved safely, with a keen eye on the nuances of individual experiences, ensuring that each person's journey is both effective and deeply respectful of their mental health.

Boosting Focus and Amplifying Productivity
In an age where attention is fragmented and demands on our time and energy are relentless, finding focus can be challenging. Jillian's microdose coaching directly addresses this modern ailment, offering a pathway to enhanced concentration and increased productivity. By fine-tuning the mind's ability to engage with the task at hand, microdosing under Jillian's supervision helps individuals to cut through the noise, enabling a level of productivity that is both efficient and sustainable. This boost in focus extends beyond work-related tasks, enhancing overall life management and the ability to stay present and engaged in small moments throughout the day.

The Holistic Impact of Microdose Coaching
Beyond these core benefits, Jillian's microdose coaching program is imbued with a holistic impact, touching every facet of an individual's life. By enhancing creativity, stabilizing mood, and sharpening focus, participants often find themselves embarking on a journey of self-discovery and personal evolution. They report improved relationships, a deeper connection to their passions and interests, and a renewed sense of purpose and direction.

Navigating the Path with Expert Guidance
What sets Jillian's program apart is not just the practice of microdosing itself but the comprehensive support and guidance she offers. Recognizing that each individual's journey is unique, she provides personalized coaching that addresses specific goals, challenges, and opportunities. This bespoke approach ensures that the benefits of microdosing are fully realized, transforming potential into profound personal and professional growth.

A Gateway to Enhanced Wellbeing
Jillian's microdose coaching stands as a gateway to a more vibrant, balanced, and fulfilling life. It is a journey that begins with the decision to explore the boundaries of one's own potential and continues with the daily practice of nurturing and expanding that potential. With Jillian as a guide, participants are not just experimenting with microdosing; they are embarking on a transformative journey towards enhanced well-being, armed with the tools, knowledge, and support to make lasting changes in their lives.

3-Month Protocol for Maximum Benefits
In Jillian's microdose coaching, she introduces a tailored 3-month protocol, an enhanced version of the Stamets stack, which combines microdosing psilocybin mushrooms with complementary supplements to optimize mental clarity, creativity, and emotional balance. This carefully curated regimen is designed not just for physiological support but also to align with each client's journey towards personal growth. Paired with one-on-one coaching sessions, Jillian ensures that clients are supported every step of the way, helping them to maximize the benefits of microdosing and achieve their personal development goals. Her approach is deeply personalized, ensuring that the protocol resonates with the individual needs and aspirations of each client, guiding them towards transformative growth and well-being.

Integration Coaching

Integration coaching with Jillian is a transformative process designed to bridge the profound insights and revelations encountered during psychedelic experiences with everyday life, grounding them in a way that promotes sustained personal growth and fulfillment. This form of coaching is essential for anyone who seeks to not only explore the depths of their consciousness but also to harness these discoveries for meaningful life changes. Jillian's nuanced approach ensures that the wisdom gained from these experiences is not lost but instead becomes a powerful catalyst for real-world transformation.

Deepening Personal Growth and Development
At the heart of integration coaching lies the commitment to personal growth and development. Jillian's method goes beyond surface-level changes, diving deep into the psyche to unlock and overcome longstanding barriers. This process is about translating the self-awareness and revelations experienced during psychedelic journeys into actionable steps towards self-improvement. It could involve breaking free from limiting beliefs, adopting new habits, or making significant life decisions that align more closely with one's true self and aspirations. Jillian acts as a guide, helping individuals navigate this complex terrain, ensuring that the insights lead to concrete actions and sustainable growth.

Fostering Emotional Wellbeing and Resilience
Psychedelic experiences can be profoundly emotional, exposing individuals to the full spectrum of their inner emotional landscape, including joy, sorrow, love, and fear. Integration coaching leverages these experiences to build emotional wellbeing and resilience. By processing these emotions in a safe and supportive environment, individuals learn to apply the lessons of acceptance, forgiveness, and compassion to themselves and others. This emotional work is critical for healing, offering a path to release old narratives and to cultivate a more resilient and adaptive approach to the challenges of life. Jillian's expertise ensures that this process is navigated with care, leading to a stronger, more emotionally balanced self.

Enhancing Relationships and Social Connectivity
One of the most profound outcomes of psychedelic experiences is a deepened sense of connection—to oneself, to others, and to the world at large. Integration coaching capitalizes on this newfound empathy and understanding to improve relationships and social connectivity. This aspect of coaching focuses on translating the feelings of unity and interconnectedness experienced during psychedelic states into daily interactions and relationships. Whether it's improving communication, deepening emotional connections, or fostering a sense of community, Jillian's guidance helps individuals bring the essence of their psychedelic experiences into their social sphere, enriching their relationships and enhancing their sense of belonging.

A Comprehensive Approach to Integration
Jillian's integration coaching is a holistic process that encompasses mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions. It's about weaving the tapestry of psychedelic insights into the fabric of one’s life, ensuring that the journey of exploration translates into a journey of transformation. This involves:

  • Setting Intentions: Clarifying what individuals hope to achieve through their psychedelic experiences and ensuring these intentions are grounded in their integration process.

  • Reflective Practices: Encouraging journaling, meditation, and other reflective practices to deepen the understanding and internalization of psychedelic experiences.

  • Actionable Change: Identifying specific, actionable steps that can be taken to manifest the insights and growth experienced during the psychedelic journey in one’s daily life.

  • Continuous Support: Providing ongoing support and guidance as individuals navigate the changes in their lives, ensuring they feel supported throughout their transformation journey.

The Impact of Integration Coaching
Guided integration can create shifts that are profound and far-reaching. It transforms psychedelic experiences from isolated events into powerful milestones in an individual’s personal development journey. By grounding these experiences in real-world changes, Jillian helps individuals not only to see the world differently but to live in it more fully and authentically. Through her expert guidance, individuals learn to live with greater purpose, fulfillment, and connection, embodying the lessons of their journeys in every aspect of their lives.

Integration coaching is not just about integrating psychedelic experiences—it's about integrating oneself more fully into the tapestry of life, armed with deeper awareness, emotional resilience, and a renewed sense of purpose. It's a journey that redefines what it means to live a meaningful life, guided by the profound insights that psychedelic journeys can provide.

Wellness Coaching

Chronic Pain and Stress Management
In today’s fast-paced world, stress can undermine health in profound ways. Jillian’s wellness coaching incorporates advanced stress management techniques that go beyond temporary relief, aiming for a sustainable state of calm and balance. This includes:

  • Breathwork and Meditation: Techniques that not only provide immediate relief from stress but also retrain the body's nervous system response to stressors over time, promoting a deeper sense of inner peace.

  • Mindfulness Practices: Encouraging a mindful approach to daily activities to enhance presence, reduce anxiety, and improve overall quality of life.

  • Resilience Building: Strengthening emotional resilience so clients can face life’s challenges with greater poise and less overwhelm.

  • Lifestyle Adjustments: Recommending adjustments in diet, sleep patterns, and daily routines to support the body's natural healing processes and reduce inflammation, a key component of chronic pain.

Integrative Approach to Health and Wellness
Jillian’s approach is distinctively integrative, blending the best of traditional wisdom with modern scientific knowledge to foster optimal health and wellness. This approach is rooted in the understanding that true wellness is not just the absence of disease but a dynamic process of change and growth. It includes:

  • Nutritional Guidance: Offering personalized dietary advice that supports overall health, boosts energy levels, and enhances the body's healing capabilities.

  • Physical Activity: Recommending physical activities that align with individual preferences and fitness levels, emphasizing the role of movement in promoting mental health and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

  • Environmental Adjustments: Advising on environmental changes that can enhance personal well-being, such as creating a restful living space or adopting practices that reduce stress and promote balance and harmony.

  • Holistic Self-Care Practices: Introducing routines and rituals that nurture the body, mind, and spirit, from mindful movement to journaling and community engagement.

Jillian’s wellness coaching is a beacon for those navigating the complexities of modern health challenges. By addressing pain and stress management within the broader context of an integrative approach to health and wellness, she not only aims to alleviate symptoms but to empower individuals towards sustained health, happiness, and a deeper connection with their own bodies and minds. Through her guidance, clients learn to implement practical, life-enhancing strategies into their daily lives, laying the foundation for a lifetime of wellness.


Integration Coaching

$75 / session
1-2 sessions recommended to process a psychedelic experience and cultivate an action plan to move forward with insights gained

Microdose Coaching

Microdosing with 6 bi-weekly coaching sessions

Microdosing with 12 weekly coaching sessions

Wellness Coaching

6 wellness coaching sessions

12 wellness coaching sessions